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After installing the Capter CLI it's time to create your first workflow. You write your workflows in YAML, which should be a familiar language if you have used something like GitHub Actions or Travis CI before.

You can create as many worfklows as you'd like, and you put them in a ./capter folder at the root of your project.

1. Create a workflow#

A workflow in Capter consists of one or more of requests, and then assertions on the responses of those requests. Below is a mimimal workflow that checks if the /health endpoint of our API returns 200:

# ./capter/health.yml
name: health check
- name: check /health
- !expect status to_equal 200

2. Run the CLI#

The next step is to run the CLI. Depending on how you installed Capter, the way to run it might differ โ€“ but for the most part you can just run the capter test command:

capter test

You should see something like this:


Where to go from here?#

Just checking the health endpoint is probably not why you're looking in to Capter โ€“ there are a lot of other tools that can do that! The next step is to learn how to compose requests.