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You can mask both request variables and response data. This is useful if you have secret data like passwords or tokens, or personal data in the responses you want to filter out.

The data is masked in the CLI and never passed to the webhook in its raw format, meaning that the only one with access to your secret data is you.

Masking request variables#

You can prefix anything you put in ${{ }} with mask to mask it.

# ./capter/user.yml
name: fetch user
Authorization: bearer ${{ mask env.JWT }}

This will result in Authorization: bearer **** in the UI and on

Masking response data#

If you need to mask properties in the response you can add the mask flag in the step options.

# ./capter/user.yml
name: user
- name: fetch current user
url: GET ${{ env.URL }}/api/me
- name
- email

The response will now look something like:

"name": "****",
"email": "****"